When your doc gives you the news that you are a type 2 diabetic, this is a traumatic moment. Although you might not have given the possibility and consequences much thought, up until the point of diagnosis, most of us are familiar with this typically degenerative condition, including the kidney and heart problems that may ensue, as well as deteriorating vision and circulatory problems. To many a type 2 diabetic, this pronouncement may seem like a death sentence.
Unfortunately, medical professionals, on the whole, may unconsciously or unwittingly reinforce this perspective on the patient.
You are given a booklet, much like a calorie counter book, detailing the carbs contained in a stated portion of a variety of foods and beverages. In addition, you're prescribed medications that help protect your heart and kidneys. You may also be scheduled to see a nutritionist to orient you to your new nutritional program. Many patients find this process confusing, counting ½ cup of this and ¼ cup of that, choosing whole grains only and adapting to a whole new beverage regimen. Counting carbs is the main name of this diet planning project.
The nutritional restrictions and confusion over 'food exchanges' and the proper balance of ingredients often proves more than many a type 2 diabetic can manage on a daily basis.
The good news for any type 2 diabetic is that, while your diet must be modified and monitored, the bottom line is to severely curtail your consumption of simple carbs and to dramatically increase your consumption of green, leafy veggies and brightly colored produce, which are generally high in fiber and antioxidants. Stick with lean meats and low fat dairy products.
Cook books for type 2 diabetics are readily available. If one or two ingredients in your recipe are not foods you enjoy, make some comparable (in carb content) substitutions that are more to your taste.
Here's the best news: many formerly type 2 diabetic patients, with high blood sugar readings when diagnosed, have been able to bring their blood sugar levels into the normal, non-diabetic range in the space of just a few months of careful meal planning, eating foods that are tasty and 'good' for you. So don't let your diagnosis put you in a tailspin – you'll grow to love your new diet as you start feeling better and more energetic than ever.
The truth is that, with a good diet plan – and exercise – your type 2 diabetes can be controlled admirably, even to the point of reversing your diabetes. It's all up to you! Good luck!
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